On this page:

Everything people do is about communication.....
Good communication would be the perfect place to start.....
Having to ask questions is not-so luxurious....
You should have done this and that......
Trying to create a luxurious feel about products.....
No one knows how to do things the right way.....

Everything people do is about communication.

Trying to create a luxurious feel about products I make the point: Good communication would be the perfect place to start. For the simple reason that you can't improve things if you don't know they exist. Everything people do is about communication, good is not perfect. Perfect communication would be the goal we can never reach. Good doesn't come close to perfect, remember that for ever!

We communicate over the web by limited skill and limited method. The list of way's to publish isn't that long. Text, links, photo's, drawings, edited images, screenshots, animations, voice, music, video.

The first rule of being smart is not having an opinion about things you never experienced never ever tried. Stop acting smart about things you don't know anything about. First climb the Himalaya and then complain how dumb it is. The taste of the food is in the eating not in the talking about it. If you didn't do it, you have no proof you don't like it. Thats the order of things.

If you would make a comment, I would visit your blog, I would read your blog and after that I could like it. It's unreasonable to make an opinion any earlier. Could have a second look tomorrow, may like it more/less. Try to enhance the picture and stop looking to proof prejudgments. First try to be open and enlightened. Don't cry first TRY to TRY.


Good communication would be the perfect place to start.

In Having to ask questions is not-so luxurious I make the point: "Good communication would be the perfect place to start. " if we are to accomplish the best results possible. Reasonable or good is not perfect, making things perfect may be impossible it should still be the main task. You will end up in the middle like that, halfway between good and perfect. I know things that are just good just ain't good enough to stand out.

Working on communication is easy you already have the maximum know how. A bit more would be unnatural, it would be like a sails rap. You would end up knowing even less. If your communication skills are poor and you don't like that anymore, you will need to train them. It may surprise you but a book is a communication medium just like the tv a video blogs, everything people do is about communication.


Having to ask questions is not-so luxurious

In You should have done this and that.. I make it clear that "Having to ask questions" is "not-so luxurious". If a button doesn't say what the button does it's not a luxurious button at all. If the end user target audience or customer (or who ever your making this thing with the button on it for) needs to ask questions about it's use, it's user unfriendly and not properly documented. A chance to improve things!

Good communication would be the perfect place to start. The best way to get complains would be by letting the complainee pick the medium he likes most. We should never reduce the chance to hear new ideas for development. The end result is made of all the little bits, if you miss a few you may end up second place. If the complainee sends mail you mail, if he sends a fax you fax and if he calls you pick up the phone.

Imagine you have a online store and it stops working, customer 300 calls you, he is rude and angry after endless trying to buy stuff he badly needs. The first thing to think is to fix the problem, you never have time to insult this guy for helping you no matter how confused he is. If you only do email it may take 10 000 customers before you get the message. You send a reply to explain he has to use the small buy buttons. And it takes another 10 000 unhappy customers for you to send the same message to person 2. Do we say "gee this people are dumb" and move on or do we make the thing more luxurious?


You should have done this and that..

In Trying to create a luxurious feel about products. I state that trying to create a luxurious feel about products is not "you should have done this and that.."

As soon as any question needs to be asked the Luxurious feel could be improved. Having to ask questions is not-so luxurious, it's an embarrassment. Dumb me needs to get helped by you. BRR.. Could we do what it takes to avoid that? I never feel dumb using my Rolex or operating my Rolls.


Trying to create a luxurious feel about products.

In No one knows how to do things the right way. I claim trying to create a feeling we experience as luxurious. This is best done by making sure the appearance of a thing is great and stays great. The staying great part is the real work, if the real thing is not what it appeared to be it's not luxurious at all. It should therefore be the exact thing promoted looking exactly as cool as it is, not a bit better.

Be proud of your ERRORS, your glad to know what was wrong. Because it would be better to prevent them, you would need to be aware of them first. Trying to create a luxurious feel about products is not "you should have done this and that.." It's to move heaven and earth to get this done automatically next time. Having to get helped is not-so luxurious.


No one knows how to do things the right way.

I was thinking about webdesing and it struck me again how important it is to remove the ERRORS. Looking at the wrongs is a million times more important as doing the right thing. First stop doing the WRONG! It's pointless to do good if things get messed up by unfinished old work. The stack of old work only grows.

I finally found the right word to explain what I frequently fail to explain. I am trying to create a luxurious feel about products. A rolls Royce is only this good because the designers actually got in the car and improved things that could be improved. Not just develop things that don't work. I say we should KEEP trying to make them better. Good is never good enough. Trying to improve things is never RANT.

For research and fun I just read some of the more angry complains people posted. I try to look at them as if they previously failed to make their point a 100 times and as if they risk getting banned by getting their view across. I pretend they are doing a feature request in the kindest words. And then I am amazed by the detail and urgency of their rants. It tuned em into a super source of knowledge. They are the core of the million times important thing.

Creating new features is not cool at all if the application actually doesn't work as needed.

Luxurious finish never happens through the effort of screaming that things are good if they work or calling the messenger a troll for the indication of chances to improve things.

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